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Q & A with


Most writers are also avid readers. Is that true for you? 


Yes, except my reading is typically soulful non-fiction. I’m fascinated by mind science and learning what we as human beings are capable of in our ultimate potential. 


Where did your passion for writing come from?


I always dreamed of being a writer, but like a LOT of people, I didn’t know how to get started. I wrote articles for industry magazines until, on March 20, 2000, at the age of forty-eight, I had a dream I knew I needed to turn into a story. That story, in 2022, is Book One of ‘The Avery Victoria Spencer Fables’. The series is now four books, all published (insert link). In addition I have written an award-winning novel, (Death by Roses) insert link), my memoir (I Was a Yo-Yo Wife…Until I Learned THIS) (Insert link), and have two short stories (The Little Black Book for BLUE People; The TimeMaker’s Shop)  that are available on my website ( 


How Long Does It Take You to Write a Novel?


That’s hard to answer. I’ve been writing since 2000. The Fables series came one at a time over 22 years. My award-winning novel, ‘Death by Roses’ took about five years. Most of the time I’ve been writing, I’ve also had a full-time career as a national consultant so I’ve written when I had free time. My short stories take much less time, of course. 


What Do You Write?


My work is mostly fiction, dealing with life issues through fables. I write about issues I’ve had, such as despair, weariness, unworthiness, rage, and so on. My characters take readers on journeys to reveal how to find the gift hiding in their challenges. It can be pretty wild but it’s sort of like ‘self-help’ fiction. I don’t have a degree in anything that makes me an expert, but people are drawn to my books by the interesting journeys and solutions that show up.  


How Do You Write: Here’s my secret:?


I listen to what the story is telling me as scenes unfold–like watching a movie develop in my mind. I don’t use an outline (lots of writers do and lots of writers don’t.) I wait for the story to start and don’t put pressure on myself to create anything. I wait for it to show up. 


What Motivates You to Write?


My curiosity about how the story will turn out. As I start, I have no idea what’s next, so it keeps me fascinated until it ends. All my stories have rewarding endings because I write to solve problems–and I write until the problem is solved.


Where Do You Get Names for Your Characters?


Mostly I use the first names of my grandchildren. Otherwise I ask my mind for the right name and it shows up. I’ve been blessed with a vivid imagination.


Have You Ever Had Writers’ Block?


 Only if I refuse to write something that’s part of the story because I don’t want to bring it out. (Sometimes I have stopped writing for several months because of that). However, I’ve learned that IT’S NOT MY STORY–it’s a story gift that I’ve been given to write, so I’ve learned to write it regardless of how I feel about it. I do love the books I write! I’m gifted with a talented team to take the stories out after I’m done writing them. 

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